The Secret Adventures of Theo and Reuben
A book by Julie Matthews
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About the book
The Lockdown in the UK caused Julie to suddenly have a lot of time on her hands with a major tour of the UK and Germany being cancelled for Daphne's Flight. This also coincided with wanting to do something special and memorable for the first birthday of her great-nephew twins in July.
And so the journey began. It started with the story, about how special the bond between twins is and imagining the fantastical world they disappear into together.
Then came the artwork. She worked on an Ipad pro using an Apple pencil and in an art programme called Paper which gave her all the mediums to bring the pictures to life - watercolour and ink.
Julie says of the book
"This has been a real labour of love for me and under normal circumstances I would never have had this much time and head space to dedicate to something so demanding besides my musical career. I loved going off on these adventures with the boys, creating imaginary landscapes for them to explore, conversations they might share and adventures they might find themselves on.
I truly hope it brings as much joy to them, and anyone else who reads it, as it has done for me creating it."